Thursday, December 29, 2005

Finally! The book is finished.

After much work and a steep learning curve, I have managed to finish off the book, put it into a .pdf format and add images. Any spelling mistakes or typos still in there will have to wait for the next edit of the book. I am too busy converting all my other books and booklets over to the same format and get them on the site for sale too.

Here is the site information you have been waiting for. , that is the site to order from. I have Paypal as my shopping cart and transaction handler. I will be putting my books on my website on ebay as well. A simple click on a button will take you to paypal and they will take care of everything else. I will have a distinct button for each book or booklet I put on.

"What Money Can't Buy" only $10 Canadian funds

"You can make bee's wax candles, firestarters and hobostove fuel cells" only $5.

Tell me how you like them and leave a comment here on this blog. If you have any suggestions for new material for me to research and write about or if you need a specific subject researched , I can be hired to do that as well.

Michael J. Kaer, President of Kaer Enterprises (.com), and

Monday, December 12, 2005

Can I survive Christmas?
This is the time of year where you are trying to gather your thoughts about what you have done this year and what you left undone and what you need to work on in the coming year. That would be fine and dandy if you did not have to make so many family arrangements. My Girlfriend has her grown kids (and girlfriends) and her ex and maybe her other family over for Christmas morning. Friends with little ones may or may not drop in if the friend's ex gets the kids or not. I have to make time to see my family the next day and see my kids and extended family and make a few dozen calls and emails to all concerned. That covers just the 25th and 26th.
We have already attended a couple of Christmas parties,missed one and have a few more to go to. I have not got all my presents wrapped or made or bought. In between all this I have to see the doctor and get some scans done,pick up my laptop(YEH!) from the shop and find time to do my online work as well as shovel snow for myself, my neighbour and my girlfriend(then anyone else willing to pay me). I have 2 computers I have to work on, a massage or two to exchange with another therapist and still have time to relax. Toss an upcoming election in the mix!

Here is my list of things I need to survive the holidays.

a few extra bucks
a few extra hours to work
a few extra hours to sleep
a few classic movies on tap
hot apple cider and hot chocolate
my thermal underwear
good sturdy boots and a warm coat .

What's your list?

Michael J. Kaer, President of Kaer Enterprises , Mikes Worms and On THe Spot Massage