Monday, March 16, 2009

I created a new blog. It is called Mike's Bikes and Trikes. I wanted to call it Mike's Bikes but that name was already taken. In that first blog post I talked about the value of a Trike. Mine is even more powerful due to it's unique modifications. It had a plate welded on to the back part of the frame to host a tow able trailer. I will include the first post here and you can read about it yourself. How this relates to survival s I did something that most people would never even attempt without a car. That is a lot of food to haul. The types of food should also get your attention. Have fun.

Why I love my Trike!

Hi folks.

If you have seen any of my other blogs, you would know I am a man of many talents and interests.
I have been reading articles and watching stuff on YouTube about the coming money collapse. Where I live, in my end of the city there are no grocery stores in walking distance. The one I like going to is about 10 blocks or more away, so I take my bike or my trike. I took a shopping cart in and got a lot of the basics and it ended up being close to $120.00 (Canadian). Lucky for me I know how to pack things in boxes and bags and I arranged all of it on my trike. It was touch and go and I though I may have to give away some of my food. I also had a couple of bungee cords that came in handy. It was so over loaded I thought I would have to walk all the way home pushing the trike, but I decided to give it a shot and see if I could ride it. I went very slowly but it got me and all my stuff home. After I took all the boxes inside, I was curious to see just how much weight it had just carried. I weigh about 175 pounds give or take and I did a calculation of the food. It came to at least 60 kilos ( since everything here in Canada is metric) which equals at least 132 pounds with me on the bike that means the trike was carrying over 300 pounds. I ave a modified frame that has a plate welded on the back to tow a heavy duty trailer. I have seen it at work towing a a huge load when the last owner used to transport recycled metals in the trailer. He was the one who modified it. That is one hell of a good transport system . The food, if you are interested , was mostly rice and beans and some canned goods as well as some cooking oil. The cashier was very curious as to why I got what I got and made the comment "you are going to be busy" a couple of times. She also wondered what I was going to do with all that rice.

First off I like rice, but it also happens to store extremely well if it is properly packed. The beans and chick peas means I will be able to make a lot of chillies and hummus and other good stuff. Beans and rice together is almost all you need to live off of. Lucky for me again, I will be expanding my garden once more. I have more than tripled it's size in the last few years and I am growing more herbs than I can now consume in a year. I hope my potatoes do well this year. The other great thing about the Trike is the fact that I am able to load a few bags of soil on it with no problem. That helps a lot when buying extra soil. Last but not least I got a very good work out in the process of getting a couple of months worth of groceries. As a basic out lay( not including stuff like milk and eggs) $60.00 a month for food is a great deal.

Have fun, stay safe and use your bikes and trikes well this year.
Michael J. Kaer, author of "What Money Can't Buy" part 1 & 2