Thursday, September 22, 2005

Over A Barrel!

Ever heard that expression? We are living it as I type this. I don't know how bad it is in the U.S., but up here in Canada we are getting hit with huge increases in gas prices. The irony was brought home to me last night when some people were late for a Green Party meeting I attended because they had to wait in line to buy gas. Rationing has not started yet but it will and soon.
I do not drive a car or truck,yet this affects me almost as much as everyone else. My girlfriend just upgraded(downsized) her car since the old beast she was driving finally bit the dust. It was a boat! We hauled alot of stuff in that car since it had a big-ass trunk and a larger engine to take the loads. Her new car is smaller with a smaller engine and still a fair size amount of space to haul stuff. She got it just as the gas prices spiked to $1.25+ Canadian/litre.
Here is my short list of things to have for your vehicle.
A locking gascap!
An extra portable tank to fill up in between the spike prices.
CAA or AAA card.
Extra passengers helpping to pay your gas.
A trunkload of patience and humour!

That is it as far as this list is going to go for this post.

We cannot blame Katrina for all our troubles. We need to share the blame on getting ourselves in a mess by being totally dependant on one source of fuel to drive our economy. That is foolish and shortsighted ( a short form definition of most governmental and corporate policies). WeMUST develop hydrogen and other alternative fuels. From the way I see it we must do it NOW! That is the end of my rant for today, thank you for listening. If you have any comments, feel free to vent them here.

Michael J. Kaer , President of Kaer Enterprises (.com) and
one of my other blogs are at
Contact me at

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