Alas,Babylon I am Re-reading a classic book by Pat Frank, first printed in 1959. The Blurb on the cover says " The startling novel of the end of the world and the day after." I remember reading this in school but I do not remember what grade I was in. It is very serious reading material for grade school, so I assume it was in High School. I am right at the part where the hero has to tell people what is going on and planning on what to get in the form of supplies. He can only tell certain people he trusts. Slowly the vast scope of what is facing him dawns on him as he is hugging his girlfriend.
Why am I reading this again? They were talking about hydrogen bombs destroying the country quickly. Our situation is different and much slower, but with the terrorist and religious extremists out there a potentially similar thing could happen. The form would be different that is all. I am studying how the people are reacting and how they are thinking in this long-term crisis.
Here is my short list of books I suggest everyone read.
1)Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank
2)After the bomb by Gloria D. Miklowitz, also After the bomb:Week one
3)Farnham's Freehold By Robert A. Heinlein
Of course there are a ton of other books like the one I wrote and set this blog up for in the first place, What Money Can't Buy - ready for download at Go online and type in "survival" or some other keyword and a whole world of information is laid bare at your fingertips. Newsgroups are a great place to get specific questions answered and get advice on tools and such.
Stop reading this- Go -download my book or find other books to read and hop to it NOW! You may not have time to do so in the future.
Michael J. Kaer, President of Kaer Enterprises (.com) and