Ever since I finished "What Money Can't Buy" and my "how to" booklet on making Beeswax candles,firestarters and hobostove fuelcells I have been searching for ways to promote them( besides this blog, which I created just for that purpose). Just as a reminder you can download both of them at
www.mjk-private-income.com. I am working on getting them in the clickbank system so other people can sell them for me and make money doing it.
The other thing I am trying is to advertize them on my new website at
To all you survival type people out there, if you run a website or a pixeltype site like mine and you want to trade links or trade pixels for pixels, than I am open to that. You can go to that site
www.2BitPixel.com or you can email me at michaelkaer@yahoo.ca and we will work out the details.
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