Monday, June 07, 2010

What are you surviving from? I have had Cancer and it is now gone. Will there be a fear in the back of my head that it can come back? Sure, but that fear is now groundless. Let me explain. We have a retired fellow from Canada by the name of Rick Simpson who discovered a method of extracting the oils from the cannabis plant. Using this discovery has led him to cure cancer on himself and many others. Some on their deathbeds have came back and had some form of recovery. Once cannabis is back in it's rightful place in our medical practices (IE: Legalized!)(it is just a matter of time) we will have in our hands a wonderful, safe medicine that you can grow in your back yard! How cool is that!

To the folks that are afraid of even mentioning cannabis or having anything to do with it, I have this thought to send to you. First off, who is in control of your body? Most people would say that they are in control of their body but that answer is wrong (insert annoying buzzer sound!) As long as the government can control what you can and can not put into your body, then you are not in control of your body. I love freedom and I want freedom for everyone with the provision of do as you will; harm none. Governments do not want you to have your freedom since that makes their job much harder. Cannabis is NON-TOXIC (that means it can not kill you), it is not a gateway to harder drugs, it is in fact a terminus for most people. All that means is that most people stop at pot and do not go on to do anything harder. The ONLY reason it could even be considered a gateway is due to the prohibition in place forces most users to get their supply from a street dealer who is more than willing to sell you higher priced stuff. Legalizing it will make it harder for young teens to get it when it is regulated like alcohol. I know teens will still do what they can to get it, but it be better quality with no added things to make the stuff stronger or add weight to the packaging. At the very least it will be safer Cannabis. Since you can not die from it, it is not at the same level of concern for myself as a parent of a Teen. Alcohol is all too easy to die from. Everyone I know knows someone who has died directly due to alcohol. You can not name one death by Cannabis.

Getting back to the main topic, What you are prepping for? What ever is at the top of your list, Cannabis can only help once it is legal again.

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