Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hi Folks.
Just a quick update for those who may be in the Chatham-Kent, Ontario area ( close to the Windsor/Detroit border and between them and London Ontario). We will be showing "The End Of Suburbia" at the local library on Queen street, Wed. May 31 at 7:00. The showing is free and we accept donations to further our work of getting the message out to more people. Thank you.

Michael J. Kaer, Owner of and

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Peak Oil Plans

What are you going to do when your money cannot buy anything? You need a new M.O.E. (Medium Of Exchange). The problem is where do you start? You could start as small as trading a safety pin for a Band-Aid. You need an exchange to happen in order to get what you need. That is how we survive right now. A problem that could arise is in a society that just collapsed it’s economy, there will be some who decide to take what you have, using a gun or other means. First, you need a safe environment in order to have a true exchange. I plan on holing up as long as I can, not trading with others till I have too and then only with neighbours I trust.

A government person may declare that all the food and goods I worked hard to gather is now to be part of the collective, with no receipts for what is taken (stolen) and could turn around and accuse me of hoarding (It may be a capitol crime at that time). The best way to keep anything away from those who would steal them is to hide it. Caching, it is called. Usually burying something is involved. Another part to a cache is knowing how to protect the item in order to get it ready to be buried.

A good place to do bartering would be a central place that is open to all, like an open field or a park that has a centre stage to do the bartering from. A small fee from all the bartering parties in the form of food or other goods may be paid to personal police. Also a form of looking after the waste left over from the crowd would need to be picked up. A small fee for the use of the washroom may take care of waste management. If not, disease will break out quicker. People kicked out of their homes would be forced into tents and shacks. The barter spots would be the only place they could trade their skills or goods. How do you keep your stuff save if you are moving around? You can do like the gypsy’s and travel in a small wagon. Make sure the wagons can be locked well. In my case it may be riding my bike to the park with a trailer and a tent to set up a booth. I would avoid the use of the washroom, by urinating in a container and hauling the urine back with me to be used as fertilizer on my gardens. As far as solid waste, I would be working on a way to compost it to send it back to the soil. The air quality is not going to be great, but with no cars, it will be tolerable.

Many things will be shut down. Get that through your heads. Houses are going to be on fire because people will be doing stupid things to stay warm and there will be no firefighters. Neighbours will be forced to get along; or they are going to die. When I go to the marketplace I will want to bring one or more people with me to help out and watch my back. I would also like to have someone at my house to protect it. A time of lawlessness is going to be starting the second you can’t pay your police force. What are they going to do with people in jail? If I had the money now, I would sell all my useless toys and stock up on everything I need for a couple of years. I would then find a hiding place, maybe on an island, and just stay there for 2 or more years, till the worse of it was over. Right this second I do not have that option, so I am stuck where I am. I am praying we hold things together till this fall. I will have my house finished and that will give me time to find as much money as possible and stock up as much as I can. Good luck.
Michael J. Kaer, Owner of and

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hi folks.
First f2f meeting of the CKOAP group
At the first meeting we had a diverse lot of talents in only 5 members who could show up . I (Michael) was made acting Secretary since I brought my pad with me. Some of the resources between us where a farm and a bookstore and some of the talents included a Paramedic, a Grant and Propossal Writer, A Reflexologist, A Vegitarian, a Macrobiotic cook, a Medical Supply person, a worm farmer, a writer and a person who is going to get the Permaculture training. Not bad for such a small group. We tried to figure out what our best purpose was and we decided we wehere to be a practical think tank. Some one commented that was an oxymoron. Lance handed out alot of printed matter paid for out of his pocket, so if we get any donations or raise funds somehow, I will be the first one to vote he gets fully re-imbursed. Thanks goes out to The boxing club that lent use the space to hold the meeting. We decided we would aim for a monthly meeting and we could stay in touch by email. Some of the topics we kicked around was living off grid,organic food co-ops, seedbanking, finding out who the organic farmers are locally,hemp,the Chatham-Kent Community Strategic Plan, where to get face masks cheaply,a list of some of my blogs, and a little about my book, "What Money Can't Buy" and 2 other websites at and . The meeting ran about an hour or so. The final word was about the movie "The End of Suburbia" showing at the library Wed. May 31 at 7:00 at 120 Queen Street, Chatham. Free addmission, donations accepted.

I am not sure if I posted this here, but someone on one of the groups asked me for some of the sources I use in my replys. Here is my reply
Hello Anyone reading this.

First off I have my own blogs at, and . I also wrote several small books, two of them available online at One is on Peak oil and the Chaos it causes and the other is a "How To" book on making Bee's wax candles, firestarters and hobostove fuelcells. I also have tons of downloads on a couple of disks and on my laptop to read through.

Here is a partial list of books I have on hand starting with shelter and energy

1)Earth Water Wind and Sun by D.S. Halacy,Jr.
2)Low-Cost,Energy-Efficient Shelter for the owner and builder edited by Eugene Eccli
3)The Harrowsmith Reader edited by James Lawrence
4)The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Capentry & Woodworking tools,terms & materials by Stanley Schuler
5)A popular science book- Formulas, methods, tips and data for home and workshop by Kenneth M. Swezey
6)Make and do the woodcraft way by J.G.Cone ( a scouting book)
7)Roughing It Easy- A unique ideabook for camping and cooking by Dian Thomas

8)Grow It Indoors by Richard W. Langer
9)The nutribase Guide to Carbohydrates, Calories & Fat by Dr. Art Ulene
10)Encyclopedia od Organic Gardening by J.I. Rodale and Staff
11)The Hunter's Field Guide to the game birds animals of North America by Robert Elman

12)The A.M.A. Family Medical Guide - Random house
13)What Your Doctor Won't Tell You ( all about alternative medicine) by Jane Heimlich ( yes-wife to inventor of the Heimlich Maneuver)
14)How To Be Your Own Doctor (Sometimes) by Keith W. Sehnert,M.D. and Howard Eisenberg
15)Camping & Wilderness Survival by Paul Tawrell

16)Home Gunsmithing Digest by Tommy L. Bish , edited by Jack Lewis
I hope that helps.
Michael J. Kaer, owner of and

Friday, May 05, 2006

Hi Folks.

I have been very busy posting at sites like running on empty3 and running on empty . ca and I part of a local group called CKOAP which is part of a larger organization I highly recommend visiting the sites and joining up if you have some wisdom to share or questions to ask. There are people from all over that are freely sharing what they know and if the do not know it, they have good suggestions on where to look. No one person can have all skills and know everything. We need to be part of a larger whole in order to survive.My predictions are an Economic crash will happen as a result of A) Avian Flu or some other Pandemic and/or B) E.W.E.'s (Extreme Weather Events) battering down North America too fast, too often for it to recover quickly and/or C)the war for oil will get too expensive and someone is going to call the States in to cash in their chips. On top of this you have peak oil with the highest prices for oil ever driving everything up. All it takes is one push from the wrong direction and WHOOSH! the whole house comes down like a pack of cards.

Others are calling for a more moderate view of the situation. The debates are civil, no one is flaming me because of my opinions on the situation. There is disagreement, as there should be when diverse minds get together to try and find a solution to the chaos caused by Peak Oil. Some hope that it will happen gradually. We all seem to agree that a collapse of society will happen, it is just a matter of when, how and for how long. There are good suggestion there and good people. Stop reading this and go to those sites!

Michael J. Kaer