Thursday, November 15, 2007

Paracord, MRE's, Knives and Hurricane Candles

Hi folks.
Once again I am drawn to doing more research on survival topics and that research takes me to eBay all too often. I may be the owner of a couple decks of survival cards and a set of 10 "Survival Knives". The cards are something I wanted for a while. The set of knives will be sold as part of a set of 10 Hurri-Can(TM) candles I am making. I have a roll of paracord that will be in the set. I am looking for 10 "army " cups that used to fit over canteens or substitute an empty(and cleaned) corned beef tin for it. In the tin or the cup I would cram some soup cubes, salt, pepper, tea,sugar, some hard candy and a few matches in zip-lock baggies. Space inside the can will be at a premium. About 2/3rds of the coffee can will be full of wax with 3 large wicks in it,spaced equidistant. a knife, the paracord and a bit of tinfoil, some clothes hanger wire, a space blanket, a micro LED flashlight and the "Cup" will be sealed inside. Did I tell you I also have 10 Space blankets coming? Holes are drilled near the top to allow air flow if a pot is set on the candle to boil water. The holes will be sealed with simple tape.I will have instructions taped to the outside. This could save a person or persons lives by providing most of what everyone needs. They need light and warmth, a way to disinfect water and some energy food to keep their spirits up. A nice cup of tea helps. If you car or truck is stuck in a ditch or snowbank and you do not want to leave the safely of the car, then heat and light are taken care of with the candle. If you had to move, you can take the candle with you by making a carrying handle out of the hanger wire. I will be pricing all the items and see what the bottom line is for this efficient "Kit-in-a-Can" (TM). Some people may be smart enough to store the can inside a slightly larger pot with a handle and store more food bars or tea or soup or instant coffee in between the two. If you are home and the power is cut off, you still have a way of cooking food and boiling water. It will keep you alive, but it will not heat your house. I think this is a good solution(not a perfect one, but what is?) to having a good kit you can just grab. I mentioned MRE's in the title because I have been looking for a cheaper Canadian supplier. I see alot of good prices down in the states and the price almost doubles when it crosses the border. That is not right. I can find and/or make my own substitutes for MRE's but that would be a big hassle and I know mine would probably not last as long as the real deal.

I got an email from a person who was looking into flashlights and came across a reference to an earlier entry I made when I studied a few different types and put a review of them up. I am glad that my hard work and the money I have spent in research has helped some people. If you have any feedback for me, that would be great. Any questions?

Michael J. Kaer