Friday, June 15, 2007

Getting out of Dodge

I do have a bug-out kit. I no longer really have a place to bug-out to. Mom and Dad are selling the farm and moving in next door to me. I have been thinking about where I would go if I was forced to move. One part of me would say up a little further north or east where they have hills and the land is not so flat. Another thought came to me, what about living on the water? Live off a 30 ( or so) foot sailboat that you can eat, cook, sleep and has a head for washing and toilet. I further thought I would have to make a living( if money is no good, than trade for what I need). It would have to be skills I have that would be the best since the boat I would want would not be too big and would not have tons of cargo space. It would have to have some room for cargo or else I would not be able to get everything I wanted. I would consider this my plan "b". Any and all thoughts or comments on this idea would be gratefully received.

Michael J. Kaer
author of "What Money Can't Buy" available at

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