Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Long Emergency

I am reading the book "The Long Emergency" by James Howard Kunstler.
I have not finished it so I can't give you a good review of it here( I will later when I am done).
I have been reading a huge bunch of other material along the same vein. most of them say the same thing-downsize now, get out of debt, make the changes while you can, invest in physical assets... You get the general drift.

One thing I am doing to get the money together to get out of debt is own a portal and advertize it and use sites like that links up with the portal and I get adsense money from the sites I put the adsense code. I also use to host my own websites like amd . On the worms site I talk about worm compost and organic gardening and even show you how to make your own worm bins. On the site I have books for sale I created ( like how to make bee's wax candles) and other subjects. The other thing that is really bringing in the money on a regular basis is and .

I have been reading Tarot for over 25 years and teaching it for about the last 15.
My goal is to make enough to pay off my credit cards and my mortgage in a year. I am working 6 days a week toward that goal. Breakthroughs are happening and I am gaining new friends and clients everywhere. So far this year I have made more than 50% more in a month than I did last year and I want to soon double and then triple and then 10x my income. When times are going bad, people turn to people like me for guidence. I try and guide them as best I can. the fact that they are helping me get out of debt is a nice payback.

Ok what list will I be asking of you, my loyal readers? 1), list your debts and your income. if you have to take a little notepad everywhere you go and write down every purchase, than do it. It will be worth it. The next list would be list all the things you can do to raise your income to pay down your debts and the final list is to list the areas you can cut back on.

When you do get out of debt you will be able to make major purchases of "survival" goods and not have to worry about collectors coming around and taking all your stuff. Since the money system is going through a major upheaval I would also suggest getting some of those supplies now while you still can. Remember to focus on what you do want, not on what you don't want or have. Breathe. Survival is FUN.

Michael J. Kaer

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