Thursday, October 06, 2005

Back-breaking labour

Having recovered from the overhanging tree and the noise the next day to cut it down I thought I was finished with trees for the moment. Wrong! During the same storm a fast growing maple right next to my back fence decided to topple on to the fence. I have been hacking away at it for a few days and my back is hurting from all the physical labour. I have had to jump out of the way several times when the tree limbs did not fall the way I intended. A bunch of thick vines was connecting it to it's sister tree that is still standing. That has slowed up progress on it's removal.
Here is the list of items I am using and I suggest you have handy in an emergancy situation.
1)a bow saw
2) a small saw for cutting small branches
3)some rope
4)(not using but handy)an ax or hatchet.

With these items you can chop down the biggest tree,all you need is patience and some common sense.

the 5th item on this list is my massage unit for my back when everthing is done!

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