Monday, October 24, 2005

New Blog!
While doing research for my new book "What Money Can't Buy" I came across a book that said hemp has over 25,000 uses! Well , I have to tell you I got more excited the more I read on the subject. Here we have a weed that could drag us kicking and screaming from a total dependance on "Big OIL" to the real possibility of growing our own gasoline type fuel from hemp. The fact that the fuel when burned gives off CO2 and very little else immediately makes it superior to gasoline we now use that has toxic emmissions. Did you know that Henry Ford created a car body that was made from hemp and ran on hemp fuel? He demonstrated how durable the car body was by hitting it hard with a large tool and instead of denting or breaking, it bounced back. How would you like a car body that did not immediately get crushed in a fender bender? How would you like air quality to go up because we are not pumping toxins in it anymore? So-for this survival-list -list I am going to give you the broad catagories Hemp can fill and insure our suvival as a society, an economy and environmentally.

Hemp can be used as :
1)Food - flour and oil and dietary fibre can be made from hemp and hemp seeds.
2)Fuel - the oil can be made in to a form of bio-diesel and could even be refined to a form of gasoline. The stalks and leaves can be used to make alcohol.
3) Paper- Hemp is used in the finest of papers and is used to print dollar bills and other currency. In the US, the Constitution was written on hemp paper. 1 acre of hemp makes more paper than 4 acres of trees and it only take one season to grow it rather than 20+ for a tree. You do the math!
4) Cloth - Betsy Ross sewed the first US flag using hemp. Other flags have used hemp before and after Betsy's since it is so durable. Most of the world's great masters painted on hemp and the word for canvas is derived fromthe word canabis. Sails, rope and clothes and now shoes can be made from hemp.
5) Medicines- It has great healing powers and good at relieving pain .

Those are the main five catagories I can think of off the top of my head. Other interesting facts about growing hemp is it improves the soil, it can grow in the worst land (it is a weed you know!) and it can grow almost anywhere Man can. I does not need any fertilizer or pesticides as opposed to cotton which uses the vast majority of petrol-chemically derived herbicides and pesticides. BIG OIL and BIG CHEMICAL companies do not want hemp around because they would lose a ton of money. BIG DRUG companies do not want it around for the same reason. POlICE do not want it around because their budgets would be cut. The "WAR ON DRUGS" would not exist for the most part and the BIG CRIME syndicates don't want it around because they would lose money too. Some Governments do not want it around because they want to be able to control their citizens. If you are self-sufficient, what do you need them for? They would have to downsize and all our taxes would come down. Are you getting the broad picture yet?
Thats my list for today.

Michael J. Kaer , President of Kaer Enterprises (.com) and

1 comment:

Jaayson Neiuwkirk said...

So many uses that I imagine they are not well over 25,000. Great post!